Category Archives

January 2025

Welcome to the ICE Roleplaying WebRing

What is this Site?

This site contains the information needed to join the ICE Roleplaying WebRing and the MERP Webring as well as additional Information and Resources for Rolemaster, Spacemaster, HARP, Silent Death and other games from Iron Crown Enterprises.

What is the Webring?

This webring is devoted to sites containing information on or usable with the Roleplaying Games owned and produced by Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) particularly Rolemaster, Spacemaster and HARP (High Adventure Role Playing)

How do I join?

Just click the "Joining the ICE Webring" or the "Joining the MERP Webring" link under “Webring Links” in left hand menu and follow the directions on those pages.

Updates to Errata Page

I have now tracked down some of the information for the links that were no longer working on the Errata page and have pulled in copies of as many of the pages as I could to be on this site.
It was a quick and dirty copy from Wayback Machine, so there are probably some broken links and/or missing images on some of the pages, but the basic information should be there.
Someday after I’m retired, I may try and organize all of the bits and pieces in a better organized fashion.

More Updates

I’ve been doing a lot of work behind the scenes, prompted by the need to add a new category and product for the finally released Rolemaster Unified Core Law.

I’ve moved to a new P.C. since the last time I had to do any work on my data bases, so I needed to set up an ODBC driver for the MySQL database and adjust the settings on the server to allow my current I.P. to connect.

That allowed me to fire up the Access Database I had set up back in 2016 for doing data entry, where I ran into a problem with my connection timing out quickly. It turns out that even with the upgraded web hosting plan I’ve gone with, the timeouts for remote connections are still very short, 30 seconds for wait_timeout and 180 for interactive_timeout. Because I’m still on a shared server, my hosting company won’t change those.
Fortunately, a little Googling and a bit of experimentation led to a solution that is working well.

The key information for getting the data entry form working was on this page:

Today I was able to work with the database for a reasonable amount of time, cleaning up some of the information on the Rolemaster Unified Core Law, such as adding Authors and setting up Related Products.
I did add a few new Related Products categories and updated some other pages with those as well.

I also got MySQL Workbench up and running and generated a nice EER diagram for my database. I’ll have to look into doing similar modifications to my connection in there to solve the timeout problem as well.

I still have a large number of pages that are pulling in my old PHP pages that I’d like to convert to regular WordPress Pages and update some of the information and links that are in them in the process. It was a quick way to convert the site over to WordPress many years ago, but it adds a lot of additional overhead that isn’t needed anymore.


What is Rolemaster?

I have now updated the “What is Rolemaster” page to include “Rolemaster Classic” and “Rolemaster Unified”

I have also added the “Rolemaster Unified” Edition and the “Rolemaster Unified – Core Law” book to the Product List. That involved relearning my Database set up and coming up with a new way to embed Php code. My original method still seems to work until I try and use it in a new page or edit one of the existing pages. Then, for whatever reason, it stops working. I had to switch to using a new add-on and short-codes to get the new page, and one of the edited pages to work.

Rolemaster Unified Core Law Release

Rolemaster Unified Core Law

After many years of development, the first book in the new “Rolemaster Unified” line is now available in pdf, with hard copies to be available in a month or so.
Core Law includes three parts, Character Law, Arms Law and Gamemaster Law.

Rolemaster Unified Core Law is available on DriveThruRPG now. Look for a full review here soon.

I’ll also have to dust off my database of products and figure out how to add a new category for the new line.

Menu Update

I’ve updated the menus for the Sidebar to replace a no longer supported plugin.

Product List back online

I’ve finished creating the missing views for the Product List database and things seem to all be working again.

Server move

The site has just moved to a different server, which has broken the Product Listings. Hopefully I’ll be able to get that sorted out soon.

The problem seems to be that several Views I had in the database have lost their definitions. Strangely my Webhost says the database on the original server is the same, although I know the site was working a week ago.

Anyway, I’ve recreated the first two views which gets most of the Product List working. The related products still aren’t showing and the links to purchase products aren’t working yet.


It’s been quite awhile since I’ve done any updates to this site, honestly, the release schedule for ICE Products is so slow that I’ve kind of lost track of where things are at. I know there are at least two new products that I don’t have listed yet, so hopefully I can get those added soon. I also need to change the set up so that the links to RPGNow get changed over to DriveThruRPG since the RPGNow site is being phased out. I think that will be very easy to do if I’m remembering how I set it up correctly. If I’m not remembering correctly, then it will be a royal pain as I’ll have to adjust each product individually.

It’s also been awhile since I’ve gone through the former Webring links to make sure they are still active. I haven’t had anyone request a new link in years and didn’t receive any feedback, positive or negative, when I dropped the official Webring portion at all. With search engines being as good as they are these days, I think Webrings and Link pages don’t really get much use anymore.

So, that’s the current state, just a quick update to show that I’m still around, just quiet 🙂

Pinterest Fixed

Turns out that the problem with Pinning was due to a change with Pinterest. I still want to investigate and see when this happened, but here is what I got from Tech Suppport at my hosting site:

“What I found was Pinterest did not allow to save pins from an insecure source. SSL was installed for your domain but your website was not using the SSL. I forced your website to redirect to https which is now secured.

There were insecure links on your website, which I corrected to https. All your pages and links are now secured with SSL.”

And, it is working now.

Pinterest Problems

For reasons that I haven’t been able to figure out yet, my site has suddenly stopped allowing things to be pinned to Pinterest.  Even I can’t pin my own stuff to my own Pinterest boards.  Apparently Pinterest is getting an error 403, which shows up as : “Sorry! This site doesn’t allow you to save Pins” or something similiar

It happens when trying to Pin items from either of my sites, or

I have tried on several different devices, PCs, IPad, IPhone, and from several different browsers on the PCs.

I don’t have any difficulty pinning from other sites. I also don’t have any add-ons or widgets related to pinning on my sites.

I think it might be related to a recent WordPress update, but can’t say for sure.  I don’t have anything in my .htaccess or an security plugins that should cause this.

I’ve posted questions on the WordPress support forums and logged a call with my hosting company to see if they can provide any details.