Category Archives

September 2007

Guild Adventurer #2 – Now Available

I’ve been officially published! Guild Adventurer #2 is now for sale and contains the Selkies Secret adventure that I’ve been working on for ages and finally decided to finish this year. The Guild Adventurer is a 79 page pdf which sells for $8.00, a real bargain.
It can be purchased at:

Here’s the advertising text:
The second issue of The Guild Adventurer has arrived!. The Guild Adventurer is a compilation of original adventures and adventure-related material for Rolemaster, Shadow World, Spacemaster, and HARP. In this, the second issue, we have two double-length adventures, two normal-length scenarios and one adventure location:

* “Rose Petals and Snow Lions”, a double-length Shadow World adventure set on the continent of Jaiman, and written by Terry Amthor himself, the creator of Kulthea. Dual-statted for RM2 and RMFRP;
* “The Echoes of History”, an adventure set in the stunning Echoes of Heaven setting (but usable in any world!) by Echoes creator, Robert Defendi. Dual-statted for Rolemaster and HARP;
* “Hunting Season”, a Spacemaster:Privateers adventure by Robert Defendi, author and designer of the entire Spacemaster:Privateers product line;
* “The Selkie’s Secret”, a HARP adventure by Brent Knorr, frequent contributor of articles to The Guild Companion.
* “People, Places and Paraphernalia: Vorlori’s Rest”, an adventure location for HARP by Allen Maher, contributor to the HARP character compilation, Friends & Rivals and to the first Guild Adventurer

with original artwork by Rick Hansen, project artist for Friends & Rivals and Guild Adventurer #1, and layout by Andrew Ridgway.

Guild Adventurer #2 Cover

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