Training Packages for Creating Star Trek
Characters in SpaceMaster
By Brent Knorr
24 July 2001
Welcome to the world of Star Trek, adapted to the Spacemaster/Rolemaster Rules. All you really need to make use of the material in this article is a copy of Spacemaster Privateers, although occasional references to other ICE products may be made.
As with any game, the material presented here reflects certain views of the author that may not be shared by everyone. I’ll try and state most of these up front.
The characters created by this system are Officers in Star Fleet. They are not enlisted men. There is some debate about what percentage of a crew consists of officers vs. enlisted men, but at some point I believe it was stated that all of the crew of a Constitution Class vessel were officers. This obviously did not stay true later, Chief O’Brien (Next Gen/DS9) being a prime example, but an unusually large number of the characters seem to be ensign rank and higher, so that is what this article will focus on.
I personally hold the belief that a first level character in Spacemaster has at best a high school, or perhaps limited post secondary education. I’ve adopted the rough guideline that each year of post secondary education is equivalent to an additional level in Spacemaster. Therefore, after four years of Academy training, you will have a fourth level Spacemaster character.
Related to having characters starting at higher levels is my view on what qualifies as “Professional Level” in a skill. I would expect a character to have at least 40% in a skill to be considered a professional. This means that under routine conditions (generally a +30 bonus) a character with a 40% skill only needs to roll 6% or higher to achieve at least a partial success. Relating to the Star Trek Universe, I would expect any crewmember that was manning a station unsupervised would have at least a 40% in whatever skills were required for that position. I would expect that a character would require at least a 10% in the skill to man the station if there was an experienced supervisor nearby.
I have designed the training packages with the following in mind. The Academy runs for four years, followed by a one year Cadet Cruise. This is consistent with what we know from the T.V. series and what two previous incarnations of Star Trek Roleplaying used.
Each year at the Academy is equivalent to one level of experience in Spacemaster. You are required to take at least two training packages at each level.
Currently, all characters will be created using the Adolescence ranks for Humans in the Spacemaster Privateers book. I’ll leave the creation of other Star Trek races and cultures up to someone else, or perhaps as a future project for myself.
NOTE: Because of the large number of adolescence ranks that Humans receive in the Communications Skill Category and the Science/Analytical groups, it is quite likely that some of the training packages will cause a character to go over the 10 Rank limit for Training Packages. In this case, take any ranks that would be above ten and apply them to the Skill in that category instead. Alternately, the GM could rule that 10 Rank limit does not apply, or could enforce it strictly and the extra ranks are lost.
Also, because of the number and the cost of some of the training packages, it may be possible that a character is short a few development points, particularly at first and second level when they haven’t made many stat gain rolls yet. In this case, I would usually allow the character to dip into the next levels development point pool if it is obvious that they will still have enough points to buy the packages that they need for that next level. This can represent summer school courses, or courses that were actually picked up the following year, etc.
There are certain minimum requirements that are needed in some skills for a character to graduate from StarFleet Academy. If Training packages one through six are taken, combined with Adolescence ranks, then most characters will meet these requirements. If some Training Packages are substituted, then the Character may need to pick up some additional skill ranks along the way.
I have included a breakdown of the number of ranks for categories and skills that the Training Packages one through six give out, but it is the percentage score on the skill that is really the important number, with the exception of Body Development.
It could be possible for some characters to take the recommended number of ranks and still have less than the required percentage in the skill. Those characters should then take additional ranks in the skill until they meet the minimum requirement. Note that just meeting these requirements is not sufficient to graduate from the Academy, but lacking any of these will definitely prevent graduation.
Minimum Requirements
Category |
# |
% |
Body Development |
0 |
Body Development |
2 |
Combat Manoeuvres |
2 |
Alien Environment—Zero-G Manoeuvres |
2 |
10 |
Communication Skill Category |
3 |
Language—Galacta—Spoken |
3 |
50 |
Language—Galacta—Written |
3 |
50 |
Influence Skill Category |
2 |
Leadership |
2 |
10 |
Diplomacy |
2 |
10 |
Lore—Academic Skill Category |
5 |
Culture Lore—Federation |
3 |
25 |
Education |
2 |
15 |
History—Federation |
3 |
25 |
Political Science |
2 |
15 |
Sociology |
2 |
15 |
Martial Arts—(Choice) Skill |
2 |
Choice of 1 |
2 |
10 |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Choice of 1 (Life Science) |
2 |
10 |
Choice of 1 (Physical |
2 |
10 |
Choice of 1 (Planetary |
2 |
10 |
Astrogation |
4 |
20 |
Astronomy |
2 |
10 |
Science/Analytic—Engineering |
2 |
Starship Engineering |
1 |
10 |
Science/Analytic—Technical |
2 |
Matter/Antimatter Technology |
1 |
10 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
10 |
Technical Trade—General Skill |
4 |
Data Processing |
5 |
25 |
Sensor Analysis |
2 |
15 |
Technical Trade—Gunnery Skill |
1 |
High Energy Projectors |
1 |
05 |
Missiles (Photon Torpedoes) |
1 |
05 |
Technical/Trade—Professional |
2 |
Ship Crewmember |
5 |
20 |
Weapon 1H Energy—Skill Category |
2 |
Phasers |
2 |
10 |
There are several different areas of specialization in Star Fleet, and different degrees of specialization within those. The main areas are, Command, Communications, Helm, Navigation, Engineer, Medical, Sciences, and Security. The typical route through the Academy provides a general exposure to all areas in the first three years, with the student picking a specialization in their fourth year. However, if after two years, the student already knows which area they wish to specialize in, they can begin to focus on that area a year earlier, as long as they still meet the minimum requirements at the end.
Engineers, Medical and Scientists will often choose to do this, taking one of the larger packages in third year instead of the smaller, more general packages.
Year 1 at the Academy will be the same for almost all students. First year will cover the background and history of the Federation, which is reflected by taking training package TP1 – Social.
Year 1 also covers some of the basics of operating Federation equipment, covered by training package TP2 – General Operations.
Year 2 will focus on some basic self defense, including the ability to operate in Zero G (TP3 Combat). The student will also be taught some of the skills required of an Officer in StarFleet, including Leadership and the ability to teach others (TP4 – Officer).
Note, because of the high cost of the TP3 Combat package for the Scientist, Technician, and Psychic (if allowed in your campaign) Classes, these Characters will often only take this package at this level and will pick up the TP4 Officer package at a later level, choosing instead an inexpensive TP from a later year (often TP6 for Scientist’s and Technician’s).
Alternately, TP3 Combat can be left for a later year (when the character will presumably have more Development Points) and one (or two) of the Year 3 TP’s could be taken in Year 2 along with TP 4 Officer.
In Year 3, most students, particularly those interested in Command, Communications, Helm, Navigation, and Security will take additional training in Data Processing (the ability to retrieve information is very important) as well as a range of Science options (TP5 Science 1). They will also study basic Astrogation and Engineering skills (TP6 – General Science/Engineering). In an emergency, any officer should be able to do basic repairs to equipment and plot a basic course, if not to a specific destination, at least away from a particular hazard.
Students that know that they are going to specialize in Medicine will often substitute the TP12 Field Medic or TP13 Medical for TP5 Science 1.
Students specializing in Science will often substitute TP14 Science Package 2 for TP5 Science Package 1.
Students specializing in Engineering will often substitute TP10 Engineering Package 1, and less often, TP11 Engineering Package 2 for the TP6 General Science/Engineering Package.
NOTE: it is often advantageous to try and take three training packages in fourth year, a suggestion would be to allow characters to save some unused development points from third year to be used in fourth year. This could represent the character actually getting a jump on things by taking extra courses in third year.
Year 4 is fairly wide open and depends on the students speciality
Command – This is probably the route that offers the most choices. A good commander should have a general knowledge of everything. Most students in Command will take the TP8 Helm Package and the TP15 Security Package. Other good choices are TP12 Field Medic, TP16 Outdoor Survival, TP7 Communications or TP9 Navigation. One of the first six packages could also be taken for a second time. A student serious about Command will often take extra courses in fourth year (i.e. three Training packages if the character has enough Development Points).
Another option is to not take any particular packages, or take only one package, and then just use the Development points to improve required skills.
Communications – A fourth year student intent on becoming a communications officer will take the TP7 Communications Package at least once, possibly twice if they want to be really good. Most often, a different second package will be taken, leaving further improvement to Communication skills for the Cadet Cruise. The second Training Package can be almost anything, including the first six.
Helm/Navigation – These two tracks are often interrelated, a helmsman should know basic navigation and a navigator should have basic Helms skill. Students in these specialities will each take the TP8 Helm Package and the TP9 Navigation Package once, then will gain additional practical training in their area of speciality on their cadet cruise (reflected in game terms by taking the appropriate package again at that level). If the Character has enough Development points, they could take the third package during fourth year.
Engineer – will normally take TP10 Engineering Package 1 and TP11 Engineering Package 2. TP10 Engineering Package 1 should be taken twice, either by taking it once in third year, and once in fourth year, or if the character has enough Development points, taking it an extra time in fourth year. It could also be taken as part of the Cadet Cruise.
Medical – Take the TP13 Medical Package as many times as possible, generally twice. It doesn’t hurt to squeeze in TP12 Field Medic somewhere as well, but it isn’t actually required, although if it isn’t taken, the character should take at least one rank in Pharmaceuticals along the way.
Sciences – Take the TP14 Science 2 Package at least twice. Oddly enough, TP9 Navigation is a good complimentary package as well.
Security – Take the TP13 Security Package twice. Other good options are to take TP16 Outdoor Survival or take the TP3 Combat Package again, particularly if you have enough Development points for a third package.
Other options – The information on fourth year should be considered as guidelines, not carved in stone. There is nothing wrong with creating a character with a more general skill set. Look at a character like Geordi from Next Generation, he started off as a Helmsman/Navigator and ended up as Chief Engineer. There is lots of time for additional on the job training. A character that took the Medicine Package, plus the Navigation package in fourth year is perfectly fine.
Cadet Cruise – This is a one year cruise to give the new Graduate some practical experience. This could easily be roleplayed, a group of Cadets (fourth level characters) on their first mission, or can be treated as an additional academy year. The characters could gain a fifth level, and buy additional Academy packages or simply spend their Development Points as usual.
Additional Training Packages
There are two extra Training Packages included at the end of this article, these are Department Head and Command School. These could be taken at some point after Graduation for those characters whom will be heads of Departments (Chief Engineer, First Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Captain, etc.). The Captain should also take the Command School Package.
If you are starting your players as the main crew on a large ship (such as the USS Enterprise), I would recommend giving them at least one more level of experience (6th minimum) and allowing them to take the additional training packages. If the characters are going to achieve Department Head or Command status as part of roleplaying, these packages can serve as guidelines as to what skills they should be taking.
Training Package Costs
The following chart shows the costs of all the Training Packages for all the Spacemaster Privateer classes.
Criminal | Explorer | Pilot | Psychic | Recon | Scientist | Soldier | Technician | |
TP1 Social |
20 |
29 |
26 |
26 |
29 |
22 |
29 |
26 |
TP2 General Operations |
35 |
31 |
29 |
32 |
33 |
36 |
32 |
28 |
TP3 Combat |
31 |
29 |
32 |
57 |
29 |
49 |
21 |
46 |
TP4 Officer |
24 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
28 |
26 |
29 |
TP5 Science 1 |
35 |
37 |
35 |
28 |
39 |
22 |
39 |
28 |
TP6 General Science/Engineering |
39 |
39 |
36 |
34 |
48 |
20 |
46 |
24 |
TP7 Communications |
31 |
34 |
31 |
31 |
40 |
25 |
38 |
28 |
TP8 Helm |
46 |
33 |
27 |
44 |
41 |
53 |
40 |
36 |
TP9 Navigation |
44 |
46 |
44 |
32 |
47 |
22 |
47 |
32 |
TP10 Engineering 1 |
48 |
45 |
42 |
48 |
56 |
26 |
53 |
23 |
TP11 Engineering 2 |
51 |
48 |
47 |
51 |
59 |
29 |
56 |
26 |
TP12 Field Medic |
35 |
37 |
39 |
31 |
40 |
24 |
39 |
29 |
TP13 Medical |
54 |
55 |
56 |
45 |
55 |
34 |
55 |
48 |
TP14 Science 2 |
50 |
50 |
49 |
45 |
54 |
27 |
54 |
37 |
TP15 Security |
35 |
32 |
34 |
54 |
32 |
50 |
29 |
41 |
TP16 Outdoor Survival |
27 |
27 |
29 |
39 |
24 |
35 |
29 |
31 |
TP20 Department Head |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
29 |
27 |
31 |
TP21 Command School |
25 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
28 |
27 |
30 |
Recommended Character Classes and Training Packages
I worked out what would be a typical set of Training Packages that would be taken for each speciality, then worked out the costs of those packages for each of the classes in Spacemaster. That helped me come up with a list of recommended Character Classes for each speciality. For those who are interested, I’ve included the chart, the recommendations follow after.
Criminal | Explorer | Pilot | Psychic | Recon | Scientist | Soldier | Technician | ||||||
Year 1 | |||||||||||||
TP1 +TP2 |
55 |
60 |
55 |
58 |
62 |
58 |
61 |
54 |
Year 2 | |||||||||||||
TP3 +TP4 |
55 |
55 |
58 |
83 |
55 |
77 |
47 |
75 |
Year 3 | |||||||||||||
Command | TP5 + TP6 |
74 |
76 |
71 |
62 |
87 |
42 |
85 |
52 |
Communications | TP5 + TP6 |
74 |
76 |
71 |
62 |
87 |
42 |
85 |
52 |
Helm | TP5 + TP6 |
74 |
76 |
71 |
62 |
87 |
42 |
85 |
52 |
Navigation | TP5 + TP6 |
74 |
76 |
71 |
62 |
87 |
42 |
85 |
52 |
Engineer | TP5 + TP10 |
83 |
82 |
77 |
76 |
95 |
48 |
92 |
51 |
Medical | TP13 + TP6 |
93 |
94 |
92 |
79 |
103 |
54 |
101 |
72 |
Sciences | TP14 + TP6 |
89 |
89 |
85 |
79 |
102 |
47 |
100 |
61 |
Security | TP5 + TP6 |
74 |
76 |
71 |
62 |
87 |
42 |
85 |
52 |
Year 4 | |||||||||||||
Command | TP8+TP15 |
81 |
65 |
61 |
98 |
73 |
103 |
69 |
77 |
Communications | TP7+TP7 |
62 |
68 |
62 |
62 |
80 |
50 |
76 |
56 |
Helm | TP8+TP9 |
90 |
79 |
71 |
76 |
88 |
75 |
87 |
68 |
Navigation | TP8+TP9 |
90 |
79 |
71 |
76 |
88 |
75 |
87 |
68 |
Engineer | TP10 + TP11 |
99 |
93 |
89 |
99 |
115 |
55 |
109 |
49 |
Medical | TP13 + TP13 |
108 |
110 |
112 |
90 |
110 |
68 |
110 |
96 |
Sciences | TP14 + TP14 |
100 |
100 |
98 |
90 |
108 |
54 |
108 |
74 |
Security | TP15 + TP15 |
70 |
64 |
68 |
108 |
64 |
100 |
58 |
82 |
Cadet Cruise |
Command | TP12+TP16 |
62 |
64 |
68 |
70 |
64 |
59 |
68 |
60 |
Communications | TP12+TP16 |
62 |
64 |
68 |
70 |
64 |
59 |
68 |
60 |
Helm | TP8 +TP16 |
73 |
60 |
56 |
83 |
65 |
88 |
69 |
67 |
Navigation | TP9+TP16 |
71 |
73 |
73 |
71 |
71 |
57 |
76 |
63 |
Engineer | TP10+TP16 |
75 |
72 |
71 |
87 |
80 |
61 |
82 |
54 |
Medical | TP13+TP12 |
89 |
92 |
95 |
76 |
95 |
58 |
94 |
77 |
Sciences | TP14+TP9 |
94 |
96 |
93 |
77 |
101 |
49 |
101 |
69 |
Security | TP3+TP16 |
58 |
56 |
61 |
96 |
53 |
84 |
50 |
77 |
Command – Going by the Training Packages I selected for Command, the best character classes are Explorer and Pilot. However, because of the wide range of available choices for selecting packages for Command, just about any class will work.
Communications – Scientist is the best bet for this, closely followed by Technician, but you should be able to make it work with just about any class.
Helm – Pilot is probably best, but Technician is a very close runner up. Again, with some creative juggling and a decent number of development points, just about any class could qualify.
Navigation – This is actually a more difficult speciality than might be expected. The Technician works out to be the best class for this, followed closely by Scientist. Explorer and Pilot are fairly good bets as well.
Engineer – No big surprise here, Technician is the best, followed by Scientist. A Pilot with high DP’s might be able to pull it off, but wouldn’t have a lot of extra DP’s left
Medical & Sciences – The only real option for these is Scientist or possibly Technician.
Security – Psychic and Scientist are out, but just about any other class would work. The choice would depend on the type of Security you are interested in. For the physically intimidating, cannon fodder on Away Mission types, Soldier is a good bet. For the more problem solving types, something like Pilot or Recon might be better.
Sample Characters
Here is a typical character for each speciality, using the optimum character class.
Each character has 68 DP’s at first level, 72 at second, 76 at third, 80 at fourth and 82 at fifth (optional Cadet Cruise). These numbers are actually low compared to what most of my characters end up with, so should be more than reasonable.
Character 1 is an Explorer specializing in Command
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 60 DP’s, leaving 8 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP4, costs 55 DP’s. leaving 17 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP5 and TP6, costs 76 DP’s, leaving 0 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP8 and TP15, costs 65 DP’s, leaving 15 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP12 and TP16, costs 62, leaving 20 for other skills
Character 2 is a Scientist specializing in Communication
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 58 DP’s, leaving 10 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP6, costs 69 DP’s, leaving 3 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP4 and TP5, costs 50 DP’s, leaving 26 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP7 twice, costs 50 DP’s, leaving 30 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP12 and TP16, costs 59 DP’s, leaving 23 for other skills
This character has enough points to pick up additional training packages, they could take TP10 at year 3, TP11 at year 4, and TP9 on the Cadet Cruise, or substitute TP5 or TP6 for one of the others, giving the character a good opportunity to develop an Engineering, Science or Navigation subspecialty
Character 3 is a Pilot specializing in Helm
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 55 DP’s, leaving 13 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP4, costs 58 DP’s, leaving 14 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP5 and TP6, costs 71 DP’s, leaving 5 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP8 and TP9, costs 71 DP’s, leaving 9 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP8 and TP16, costs 56 DP’s, leaving 26 for other skills
Character 4 is a Technician specializing in Navigation
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 54 DP’s, leaving 14 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP6, costs 70 DP’s, leaving 2 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP4 and TP5, costs 57 DP’s, leaving 18 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP8 and TP9, costs 68 DP’s, leaving 12 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP9 and TP16, costs 63 DP’s, leaving 19 for other skills
Character 5 is a Technician specializing in Engineering
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 54 DP’s, leaving 14 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 only, costs 46 DP’s, leaving 26 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP5, and TP10 twice, costs 74 DP’s, leaving 2 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP4, TP10 and TP11, costs 68, leaving 12 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP10 and TP16, costs 54, leaving 28 for other skills.
This character could easily squeeze in two more Training Packages, one at Year 2 and one at the Cadet Cruise.
Character 6 is a Scientist specializing in Medical
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 58 DP’s, leaving 10 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP6, costs 69 DP’s, leaving 3 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP4, and TP13, costs 62 DP’s, leaving 14 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP13 twice, costs 68 DP’s, leaving 12 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP12 and TP13, costs 58, leaving 24 for other skills
Character 7 is a Scientist specializing in Sciences
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 58 DP’s, leaving 10 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP4, TP5 and TP6, costs 70 DP’s, leaving 2 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP3 and TP14, costs 76 DP’s, leaving 0 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP 14 twice, costs 54 DP’s, leaving 26 for other skills
Cadet – takes TP14 and TP9, costs 49 DP’s, leaving 33 for other skills
Although this character could squeeze in two more TP’s at Year 4 and the Cadet Cruise, because they are heavily focused on the Science categories and skills and have relatively few extra points in the first three levels, it is likely that they will need the extra DP’s at Year 4 and Cadet Cruise to round out some of their other skills.
Character 8 is a Soldier specializing in Security
Year 1 – takes TP1 and TP2, costs 61 DP’s, leaving 7 for other skills
Year 2 – takes TP3 and TP6, costs 67 DP’s, leaving 5 for other skills
Year 3 – takes TP4 and TP5, costs 65 DP’s, leaving 11 for other skills
Year 4 – takes TP15 twice, costs 58 DP’s, leaving 22 for other skills
Cadet – Takes TP3 and TP16, costs 50 DP’s, leaving 32 for other skills
Training Packages
Listed below are all the Training Packages referred to in this article. Note that there isn’t a “Special” section for any of the packages, This is due to the special nature of these packages, the short amount of time required for them and the fact that so many are taken. I’ve created a generic “Special” Table that can be used with any of the packages, but I would recommend using it only once level (year) instead of with every Training Package.
Course taught by famous member of StarFleet 10%
Mastermind a particularly successful prank 30%
(40% if Engineer)
Equipment related to speciality (+10 to relevant skill) 40%
Complete course “Top of Class” 30%
Unusual Contact (i.e. Wise Groundskeeper, Bartender) 30%
Software Library (+20 to speciality skill) 50%
Software Library (+15 to speciality skill) 40%
Software Library (+10 to speciality skill) 30%
Software Library (+5 to speciality skill) 20%
Useful Academic Contact 0%
TP #1—Social Package
Category |
# |
Communication Skill Category |
3 |
Language—Common—Spoken |
3 |
Language—Common—Written |
3 |
Lore—Academic Skill Category |
3 |
Culture Lore—Federation |
3 |
History—Federation |
3 |
Political Science |
2 |
Sociology |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
20 |
29 |
26 |
26 |
29 |
22 |
29 |
26 |
TP #2—General Operations Package
Category |
# |
Technical Trade Professional |
0 |
Ship Crewmember |
3 |
Technical Trade—General Skill |
0 |
Data Processing |
1 |
Sensor Analysis |
2 |
Technical Trade—Gunnery Skill |
1 |
High Energy Projectors |
1 |
Missiles (Photon Torpedoes) |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Astrogation |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
35 |
31 |
29 |
32 |
33 |
36 |
32 |
28 |
TP #3—Combat Package
Category |
# |
Body Development |
0 |
Body Development |
2 |
Combat Maneuvers |
2 |
Alien Environment—Zero |
2 |
Martial Arts—(Choice) Skill |
2 |
Choice of 1 |
2 |
Weapon 1H Energy—Skill Category |
2 |
Phasers |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
31 |
29 |
32 |
57 |
29 |
49 |
21 |
46 |
TP #4—Officer Package
Category |
# |
Influence Skill Category |
2 |
Leadership |
2 |
Diplomacy |
2 |
Lore—Academic Skill Category |
2 |
Education |
2 |
Technical/Trade—Professional |
2 |
Ship Crewmember |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
24 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
28 |
26 |
29 |
TP #5—Science Package 1
Category |
# |
Technical Trade – General |
4 |
Data Processing |
4 |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Choice of 1 (Life Science) |
2 |
Choice of 1 (Physical |
2 |
Choice of 1 (Planetary |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
35 |
37 |
35 |
28 |
39 |
22 |
39 |
28 |
TP #6—General Science/Engineering Package
Category |
# |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Astronomy |
2 |
Astrogation |
2 |
Science/Analytic—Engineering |
2 |
Starship Engineering |
1 |
Science/Analytic – Technical |
2 |
Matter/Antimatter Technology |
1 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
39 |
39 |
36 |
34 |
48 |
20 |
46 |
24 |
TP #7—Communications Package
Category |
# |
Communication Skill Category |
3 |
Language—Spoken—choice |
3 |
Language—Written—choice |
3 |
Lore—General Skill Category |
3 |
Culture Lore—choice |
3 |
History—choice of up |
3 |
Science/Analytic—Technical |
1 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
Tachyon Technology |
1 |
Technical/Trade—Professional |
0 |
Ship Crewmember |
3 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
31 |
34 |
31 |
31 |
40 |
25 |
38 |
28 |
TP #8—Helm Package
Category |
# |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Astrogation |
1 |
Orbital Mechanics |
1 |
Technical Trade—General Skill |
1 |
Sensor Analysis |
1 |
Technical Trade—Gunnery Skill |
1 |
High Energy Projectors |
1 |
Missiles (Photon Torpedoes) |
1 |
Technical Trade—Vehicles |
3 |
Atmospheric Pilot |
1 |
Space Pilot |
3 |
FTL Pilot |
3 |
Technical/Trade—Vocational |
0 |
Tactics—Space |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
46 |
33 |
27 |
44 |
41 |
53 |
40 |
36 |
TP #9—Navigation Package
Category |
# |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Astronomy |
3 |
Astrogation |
3 |
Navigation |
1 |
Orbital Mechanics |
3 |
Technical Trade—General Skill |
1 |
Sensor Analysis |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
44 |
46 |
44 |
32 |
47 |
22 |
47 |
32 |
TP #10—Engineering Package 1
Category |
# |
Science/Analytical—Engineering |
3 |
Computer Engineering |
1 |
Electronic Engineering—Electronic |
1 |
Environmental Engineering |
1 |
Mechanical Engineering—Space |
1 |
Power Systems Theory—Vacuum |
1 |
Tachyon Engineering |
1 |
Science/Analytical—Technical |
3 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
Electronic Technology |
1 |
Mechanical Technology |
1 |
Power Systems Technology |
1 |
Sensor Technology |
1 |
Tachyon Technology |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
48 |
45 |
42 |
48 |
56 |
26 |
53 |
23 |
TP #11—Engineering Package 2
Category |
# |
Science/Analytical – Engineering |
0 |
Criminal Engineering—Security |
2 |
Criminal Engineering—Surveillance |
2 |
Mechanical Engineering—General |
2 |
Sanitation Engineering—Environmental |
2 |
Weapon Design—High |
4 |
Science/Analytical—Technical |
0 |
Criminal Technology |
2 |
Cryogenic Operation |
1 |
Cybernetic Technology |
1 |
Medical Technology |
3 |
Weapon Technology |
3 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
51 |
48 |
47 |
51 |
59 |
29 |
56 |
26 |
TP #12—Field Medic Package
Category |
# |
Awareness—Searching |
1 |
Observation |
1 |
Awareness—Senses |
1 |
Situational Awareness |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Medical |
1 |
Diagnostics—General |
1 |
Drug Therapy |
1 |
Medical Practice |
1 |
Pharmaceuticals |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Technical |
1 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
Medical Technology |
1 |
Technical/Trade—General Skill |
2 |
First Aid—Specialty |
2 |
Sensor Analysis |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
35 |
37 |
39 |
31 |
40 |
24 |
39 |
29 |
TP #13—Medical Package
Category |
# |
Communication Skill Category |
1 |
Language—Spoken |
1 |
Language—Written |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Medical |
2 |
Autopsy |
2 |
Diagnostics—General |
2 |
Diagnostics—Specialty |
2 |
Drug Therapy |
2 |
Genetics |
1 |
Internal Medicine |
2 |
Medical Practice |
2 |
Medical Science—Choice |
2 |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Psychology—Specialty |
2 |
Science/Analytic—Technical |
1 |
Computer Technology |
1 |
Medical Technology |
1 |
Technical/Trade—General Skill |
1 |
First Aid—Specialty |
1 |
Sensor Analysis |
1 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
54 |
55 |
56 |
45 |
55 |
34 |
55 |
48 |
TP #14—Science Package 2
Category |
# |
Technical/Trade—General Skill |
1 |
Data Processing |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Basic |
3 |
Basic Math |
3 |
Research |
3 |
Science/Analytic—Specialized |
0 |
Choice of one skill |
4 |
Choice of one skill |
3 |
Choice of one skill |
1 |
Science/Analytic—Technical |
2 |
Choice of up to two |
4 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
50 |
50 |
49 |
45 |
54 |
27 |
54 |
37 |
TP #15—Security Package
Category |
# |
Armor—Light Skill Category |
1 |
Armored Cloth |
1 |
Athletic Endurance Skill |
1 |
Awareness—Searching Skill |
1 |
Lie Perception |
1 |
Observation |
1 |
Surveillance |
1 |
Body Development Skill Category |
0 |
Body Development |
1 |
Influence Skill Category |
1 |
Interrogation |
1 |
Martial Arts—(Choice) Skill |
2 |
Degree 1 |
2 |
Technical Trade—Vehicles |
1 |
Atmospheric Pilot |
1 |
Technical/Trade—Vocational |
0 |
Tactics—Small Unit |
2 |
Weapon 1 H Energy—Skill Category |
2 |
Phasers |
2 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
35 |
32 |
34 |
54 |
32 |
50 |
29 |
41 |
TP #16—Outdoor Survival Package
Category |
# |
Athletic Endurance Skill |
1 |
Distance Running |
1 |
Swimming |
1 |
Athletic Gymnastics Skill |
1 |
Climbing |
1 |
Awareness Perceptions Skill |
0 |
Alertness |
2 |
Awareness Searching Skill |
2 |
Observation |
2 |
Tracking |
1 |
Reading Tracks |
1 |
Awareness Senses Skill Category |
2 |
Choice of up to 2 skills |
2 |
Crafts Skill Category |
0 |
Rope Mastery |
1 |
Outdoor Environmental |
2 |
Foraging |
2 |
Hunting |
1 |
Survival—choice of |
4 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
27 |
27 |
29 |
39 |
24 |
35 |
29 |
31 |
(Note: TP’s #17–#19 are reserved for future development.)
TP #20—Department Head Package
Category |
# |
Influence Skill Category |
4 |
Leadership |
4 |
Technical/Trade—General Skill |
0 |
Data Processing |
3 |
Technical/Trade—Vocational |
0 |
Administration |
8 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
29 |
27 |
31 |
TP #21— Command School Curriculum Package
Category |
# |
Influence Skill Category |
2 |
Diplomacy |
2 |
Leadership |
2 |
Lore—Academic Skill Category |
1 |
Culture Lore—Federation |
1 |
History—Federation |
1 |
Political Science |
1 |
Sociology |
1 |
Technical/Trade—Vocational |
0 |
Tactics—Space |
8 |
Criminal |
Explorer |
Pilot |
Psychic |
Recon |
Scientist |
Soldier |
Tech. |
25 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
28 |
27 |
30 |
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