With roughly 70% of the book being rules agnostic, HARP Folkways is a great buy whatever system you play. I’ve been seeing good things about this book, I’ll give it a read when I get a chance but I’m hoping to get a paper copy first. I like pdfs for reference, but still prefer […]
I’ve finally decided to update the product lists again, there have been a few new items since last time I updated, particularly some supporting software. I got started by fixing up a couple problems with the HARP list and added in the newest versions of Martial Law. More to come over the next few days.
Quoting directly from the August Briefing:
HARP Fantasy is back!
Join the new road to high adventure with HARP Fantasy. Enhanced, remastered, HARP Fantasy has drawn upon years of actual game play experience, fan feedback, and logical reasoning to improve the rules from the original 2003 and 2004 editions without compromising their playability.
Here’s your […]
HARP SF, HARP SF Xtreme and the Shadow World Player’s Guide are now all available in print in multiple formats
Click on the links to purchase them from RGPNow.
These are the first Print products for ICE RPGs to come out from Guild Companion Publications and I look forward to seeing what they look […]
I’ve now converted the rest of the HARP pages, the RMFRP pages and a few other stray items over to the database. The pages that still need to be done are the Middle Earth/Tolkien Quest books, the Miscellaneous ICE Products, the Silent Death products, the Spacemaster books and the Translations. There are also several products […]
At long last, HARP SF has been released. It’s available in pdf format now and will be available in book form soon. It can be purchased through RPGNOW
HARP SF – the roleplaying game of the future has arrived
Whether your game focuses on events on a single inhabited world in the near future […]
I’ve now converted the Cyberspace, Loremaster and MERP product pages and most of the HARP product pages over to the database. I’ve also upgraded most of the Cover Images for the MERP First and Second edition pages.
(Charlottesville, Virginia USA and Cambridge, England: 11th December 2009)
Mjolnir LLC dba Iron Crown Enterprises and Guild Companion Publications Limited are pleased to announce that they have agreed in principle that HARP SciFi and HARP SF Xtreme will be transferred from Mjolnir LLC to Guild Companion Publications Limited, who will bring both products to final […]
Added the latest batch of new products from ICE. Some PDFs and Cloth Bound versions of books for Rolemaster Classic and HARP and the new Rolemaster Classic Combat Companion in various formats. All available from the ICE Store
ICE is pre-releasing its HARP Sci-Fi rules as a beta release. The final version will be available later in 2007. Those wanting to get it early can get the discounted beta version now, and will receive the full final version for free when it releases.
Quoted from the March 9, 2007 Newsletter: http://www.ironcrown.com/ICEforums/index.php?topic=3521.0
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