Category Archives

February 2025

Amazon Affiliate Links – MERP 1st Edition

In addition to having links to purchase used products from Noble Knight, I’ve now created an Amazon Affiliate account for myself and have started adding purchase links to Amazon. I’m about halfway through the First Edition MERP products right now.

I also realized that I’m missing a bunch of French translation products, so I’ll have […]

Printing and Edition Reference for MERP Middle-earth Role Playing

Now I’m doing something I thought I did ages ago, uploading all of the files for Guy Fullerton’s awesome “Printing and Edition Reference for MERP Middle-earth Role Playing” reference. He gave me the source files a year ago, I thought I had uploaded them and fixed the link on my site to look at them, […]

Redirecting old pages

I’ve put in redirects for the First Edition MERP pages, which means that any sites that have a link to the old individual pages will be forwarded to the correct new page that is built from the database. I’ve also done the Rolemaster First Edition, Rolemaster Second Edition, and Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying pages. Anyone that […]

Updated MERP, Cyberspace, Loremaster and HARP Product Pages

I’ve now converted the Cyberspace, Loremaster and MERP product pages and most of the HARP product pages over to the database. I’ve also upgraded most of the Cover Images for the MERP First and Second edition pages.

Rescue in Mirkwood

Updated the information for the Middle-Earth Quest “Rescue In Mirkwood” book, converting it to a database driven page and updated the cover image

MERP Printing & Edition Reference

Guy Fullerton has put together an excellent page which describes the differences between various printings of many of the MERP products produced over the years. Definitely worth checking out for you Middle Earth Roleplaying Game collectors.

Japanese MERP

Came across something new on EBay today, a Japanese version of Iron Crown Enterprise’s Middle Earth Adventure Guidebook for the Middle Earth Role Playing system

The starting price is already out of the range of what I’m willing to pay, but if anyone is interested, it can be found here:
