As part of the clean up of this site, I’ve redone my “The Evolution of Arms Law” as a regular WordPress page and added a couple of updates to it. I still want to expand the new section on the Rolemaster Classic version, and I want to do some additional clarifications around the various First […]
I’ve gone through all the sites that currently belong to the ICE Webring and to the MERP Webring and have created links here to all of the ones that still have any sort of relevant content.
At the peak of the Webrings I had over 150 sites between the two rings, now I’m down to […]
I think I’ve now added all the products that I had been missing, including the Fantasy Grounds packages for Rolemaster Classic. Still need to do some work on the Related Products portion and add some links for purchasing used products on Amazon. I think there are also a couple thumbnails and cover images that I’m […]
Added in the newest version of “Cloudlords of Tanara”, added in the rest of the “Electronic Rolemaster Assistant” software. Did some tweaking to the “Related Products”, allowing for multiple categories of relationships. Still need to add in some missing “AutoHARP” software, and the “Rolemaster Combat Minion” software. Then I’ll go through the recent entries on […]
I’ve now gone through and updated all the links in the RMSS vs RMFRP pages, and added in some formatting that seemed to have gotten lost somewhere along the way. Also added in Terry Amthor’s novel “The Loremaster Legacy” and some of the ERA Software packages to the list of products. Still need to add […]
Now I’m doing something I thought I did ages ago, uploading all of the files for Guy Fullerton’s awesome “Printing and Edition Reference for MERP Middle-earth Role Playing” reference. He gave me the source files a year ago, I thought I had uploaded them and fixed the link on my site to look at them, […]
The first major stage of the revamp of the site is now done. I’ve completely revamped the underlying database for the site, normalizing most of the tables and creating some views to make working with the tables easier. This allowed for major improvements in how I have been handling Authors and the extra images that […]
I’ve finally decided to update the product lists again, there have been a few new items since last time I updated, particularly some supporting software. I got started by fixing up a couple problems with the HARP list and added in the newest versions of Martial Law. More to come over the next few days.
I’ve occasionally thought that I should take this site down because it seems that it may have out lived it’s usefulness, but then I check my stats and see that I’m still getting between 6000 to 8000 unique visitors each month. I’d like to think that they aren’t all spambots. In fact, I can see […]
I’ve now set up the new banner at the top of the page. Because of the height of the banner, it looked a little strange with such large blank bars on each side of the banner, so I set it up to be centered but to repeat parts of the banner to the side. Let […]
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