Category Archives

November 2024

ICE Errata Index

This page was originally on the Iron Crown Website but no longer seems to be available, so I tracked down the pages on Wayback Machine and did a quick and dirty copy of the contents here.
The errata on this page is grouped by Product Line and then alphabetically by Product Name.

Rolemaster Errata

  • Rolemaster Standard Rules #5500 Errata: On page 181 of the RMSR “Transcend Armor” is listed as restricted skill, but unfortunately there is no description of the skill on the following page…sorry about that. Here’s the fix: The 2-pg PDF download that I’ve provided here has the full description of the skill. Transcend Armor skill description from Character Law (2-pg PDF)
  • The Armory #5813 Errata 02/19/03
    Submitted by a Japanese customer, Nunu at Genso-Yugi.
  • Arms Law #5810 CORRECTED Critical Tables 06/04/04
    Critical tables from pages 64-69 and 70-75. 2 PDF files in a Zip file 202KB.
  • Castles and Ruins #5542 Errata
    A Guild Companion article with errata for the Castles and Ruins supplement for Rolemaster. Authored by R.C. Kirkland, Jr.
  • Castles and Ruins #5542 Adjusted Price Sheets
    A Guild Companion article with a modified pricing list for the Castles and Ruins Supplement. Authored by R.C. Kirkland, Jr.
  • Construct Companion #5815 page 109 11/21/03
    We made a mistake on page 109 so here’s the corrected page for download as a 1-pg PDF file.
  • Essence Companion #5603 Errata
    A Guild Companion article with errata for the Essence Companion and a few other tidbits.
  • Fire & Ice: The Elemental Companion #5812 Errata updated 10/21/02
    This 2-page Errata file includes the Storm Mage which replaces the Elemental Scholar TP in the Addendum. Adobe PDF file, 142KB.
  • Fire & Ice: The Elemental Companion #5812 Aether Ball Table pg 116 07/23/03
    In the second printing of this book page 116 was messed up somehow, so here’s the correct table for that page!
  • ICE’s Official Training Package Master Cost List.PDF 11/18/02
    Also available as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: Training Package Master Cost List.xls
    These are now the Official Training Package costs for every Rolemaster Training Package and every Profession!
     These costs all use the same formula, something that had not happened previously. It also needs to be mentioned that they differ from the ones previously printed in our Rolemaster books. ICE would like to thank Jonathon Dale and Shiela Herndon for the original excel files from which this was made, and special thanks to Casey Worthington and Tres Poe for helping fill in a major portion of the costs. The 12-page PDF file is 78K in size and the Microsoft Excel file is 134KB.
  • Mentalism Companion Official Training Packages Costs (good for #5605 and #5814)
    A Guild Companion article with a table providing the Development Point costs associated with the training packages presented in the other companions and sourcebooks for the Seer, Astrologer, Enchanter, and Armsmaster professions described in the Mentalism Companion. Written by the Mentalism Companion co-author, Nicholas M. Caldwell. NOTE: The TP costs are the same for the 1998 #5605 and the new 2003 #5814 versions of Ment Co, so this 1999 list is good for both versions!
  • Mentalism Companion ST#5814 Mental Spells
    When Mentalism Companion was reprinted, several things were cut—specifically the Mental Control (assault) and Mental Control (defense) skills—but the references were left in. This 3-pg PDF contains the 3 pages that had been cut from the reprint.
  • Rolemaster Rulings
    These pages from Brent’s Basement contain the Rolemaster Rulings–a collection of official rulings for the Rolemaster FRPG. Included are rules for designing Training Packages. These rulings are meant to cover the Rolemaster Standard System and Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying, although there is a section at the end covering older versions of Rolemaster. Compiled by Craig O’Brien.
  • Rolemaster Standard Rules PDF #5500P TOC 4-5
    These are the corrected Table Of Contents pages 4-5 from the 5500P PDF.
  • Spell Law 1995 PDF #5522P Page 153
    In our original release of the Spell Law PDF page 153 was corrupt, so here’s the corrected version.

Shadow World

Silent Death Errata

Spacemaster Errata

  • Spacemaster: Privateers #4500
    These pages from Brent’s Basement contain material written by Robert J. Defendi, the author of the Spacemaster: Privateers RPG. Included is errata for Spacemaster: Privateers (including updated critical tables) and an article on using Silent Death with Spacemaster: PrivateersSilent Death grew out of the previous incarnation of Spacemaster, so some of the conversion information is applicable to that product as well. Robert now has his own website, check it out for more up to date info:
  • Spacemaster: Privateers #4500 Critical Charts–CORRECTED!
    This 5-page PDF has the corrected charts for the following Spacemaster: Privateers critical tables: Blaster, Burn Through,Laser, Plasma, Stunner. 5-page PDF file, 132KB.
  • Vehicle Manual #4513 Errata pages 124-133 07/23/02
    Download and print out corrected pages 124-133. PDF document 670KB.

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