Product Line: Spacemaster
Product Edition: SM1
Product Name: Future Law
Product Type: RPG Game
Author: ICE
Stock #: 9100
ISBN: 0-915795-36-1
Publisher: ICE
Page Count: 88
Release Date: 1985
Language: English
Format | Cover Price | Released |
Softcover | 1985 |
Future Law at Noble Knight Games (Used)
Cover/Jacket Text:
FUTURE LAW includes: a complete character development system, data on races from the far corners of the universe, information form the far cormers of the universe, information for setting up cultures, planetary & galactic governments a system for generating planets & solar systems, & a complete adventure scenario
Future Law The Challenge of the future awaits
The companion book to FUTURE LAW, TECHLAW features a complete combat system with attack & critical tables for a multitude of weapons. Also included are descriptions and prices for land, water & air vehicles, large & small spacecraft & weapons & personal equipment of the future. TECH LAW provides a comprehensive construction system allowing players to custom design vehicles, robots, spacecraft, androids, & genetically altered beings. The spacecraft combat system is realistic yet simple, including several different weapons systems. TECH LAW includes sample spacecraft plans. Although keyed to FUTURE LAW, TECH LAW is usable with other SF role-playing systems.
SPACE MASTER is the complete system in one box, providing everything needed to run a plausible, richly detailed science-fiction campaign. It includes: TECH LAW, FUTURE LAW, a large star map for interstellar journeys, a grid map for spacecraft combat, ful-color counters of spaceships and individuals, and a booklet of starship deck plan playing surfaces. SPACE MASTER …the challenge of the future awaits.
Table of Contents:
PART I PREFACE PART II CHARACTER GENERATION RULES 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Features of Future Law Character Generation 1.2 Definitions 1.3 How to Use Future Law 2.0 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (STATS) 2.1 Temporary and Potential Stats 2.2 Development Stats 2.3 Primary Stats 2.4 Stat Bonuses 2.41 Stat Bonus Functions 2.42 Stat Bonus Table 3.0 SKILLS AND SKILL RANKS 3.1 Skill Rank Bonuses 3.2 Skill Rank Development 3.3 Resolving Actions Affected by Skills 3.4 Skilisand Descriptions. 3.41 Maneuvering In Armor Skills 3.42 Weapon Skills 3.43 General ~kliis 3.44 ~cial Skills 3.45 COmbat Skills 3.46 Astronautic Skills 3.47 Technic Skills 3.41 Scientific Skills 3.49 Engineering Skills 3.410 Telepathic Skills 3.5 Secondary Skills 3.6 Similar Skills 3.7 Skill Charts 3.71 Character Development Chart 3.72 Secondary SkIll Development Chart 4.0 PROFESSIONS 4.1 Astronauts 4.2 Machine Technicians 4.3 Research Scientists 4.4 Field Scientists 4.5 Telepaths 5.0 EXPERIENCE AND ADVANCING LEVELS 5.1 Experience Guidelines 5.2 Experience Point Chart 5.3 A Character's Level. 5.4 Advancing a Level 6.0 RACE AND CULTURE 6.1 Some Hominoid Races and Variations 6.11 Terran Mutations and Eugenic Products 6.12 Alterant Repl"lCIInts 6.13 Androids 6.14 Aliens 6.2 Sample Cultures 6.3 Language Development 6.31 COmputer Languages 6.32 Language SkIll Table 6.4 Death in Space Master 6.41 Death Due To Excessive Concussion Hits 6.42 Effects of Death 6.5 Racial Statistics Chart 6.6 Healing Rates Chart 7.0 BACKGROUND 7.1 Background Options 7.2 Background Option Table 8.0 KEEPING TRACK OF A CHARACTER 8.1 Player-Character Record 8.2 Skill Bonuses 8.3 Special Bonuses 8.4 RR Bonuses 8.5 Other Capabilites 9.0 THE ROLE OF THE CHARACTER 10.0 CREATING'fHE CHARACTER 10.1 Generating the Temporary Stats 10.2 Choosing a Profession and Other Factors 10.3 Generating the Potential Stats 10.4 Adolescent Skill Development 10.5 Apprenticeship Skill Development 10.6 Final Character Preparation 10.7 Bringing the Character to Life 10.8 Character Development Tables 10.81 Stat Potentials Table 10.82 Stat Gain Table 10.83 Stat Effect Table 10.84 Experience Points ¥s. Level Table 10.85 Similar Weapons Chart 10.86 Armor Chart 10.87 SkIll Level Bonus Table 10.88 Player.(haracter Record 10.89 Player-Character Worksheet 10.9 Physical Appearance 11.0 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS 12.0 OPTIONAL RULES FOR SPACE MASTER 12.1 An Alternate Stat Gain Method 12.2 Optional Level Advancement Rules 12.21 Partial Skill Advancement at Half-Level 12.22 Additional R"Iuirements For Skill Acquisition 12.3 Hobbies 13.0 ACTIVITY RULES AND CHARTS 13.1 Movement, Encumbrance and Exhaustion 13.2 Maneuver Chart 13.3 Static Action Table PART III TELEPATHY RULES 14.0 CONCEPT AND DESCRIPTION 15.0 LEARNING LISTS 15.1 Types of Telepath 15.11 True Telepaths 15.12 Semi-Telepaths 15.2 Types of Pkk Sets 15.3 Type "A" Pick Set 15.4 Type "B" Pick Set 15.5 Type "c" Pick Set 15.6 Type "D" Pick Set 15.7 Type "E" Pick Set 15.8 Pick Availability 16.0 CASTING PSIONS 16.1 Pslon Casting Capabilities 16.11 Inherent Capabilities 16.12 Bonusltems 16.121 Pslon Multipliers 16.122 Pslon Adders 16.13 Restrictions 16.2 Miscellaneous 16.3 Time R"Iuired to Cast a Psion 16.31 Class III Pslons 16.32 Class II Pslons 16.33 Class I Pslons 17.0 TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR PSION CASTING 17.1 Battle Round Sequence 17.2 Opportunity Action 17.3 Unusual Sequence Modifications 18.0 RESOLVING PSION EFFECT 18.1 Special Dice Rolls 18.11 Low Open-ended Roll 18.12 High Open-ended Roll 18.13 Open-ended Roll 18.14 Unmodified Rolls 18.2 Non-Attack Psions 18.3 Attack Psions 18.31 Psion Attack Roll 18.311 Unmodified Rolls 18.312 Modifications to the Psion Attack Roll 18.313 Pslon Attacks 18.314 Effects of Pslon Attack Roll 18.32 Resistance Roll 19.0 TABLES 19.1 Psion Attack Table 19.2 PAR Modifiers 19.3 Resistance Roll Table 19.4 Resistance Roll Modifiers 19.5 Psion Failure Table 19.6 Critical Hit Tables 19.61 Bum Critical Hit Table 19.62 Impact Critical Table 19.63 Electricity Critical Table 20.0 PSION LISTS PART IV CREATING AND RUNNING A SPACE MASTER CAMPAIGN 21.0 HISTORY 22.0 POLITICS 22.1 The Terran Empire 22.2 Encounter Chart 23.0 ECONOMY 24.0 TECNOLOGICAL LEVEL 25.0 STELLAR SYSTEM GENERATION AND MAINTENANCE 25.1 System Generation Chart 25.2 Planetary Climate Chart 25.21 Wind Table 25.22 Temperature Table 25.23 Precipitation Table PART V A SPACE MASTER ADVENTURE 26.0 INTRODUCTION 27.0 THE CHARACTERS 27.1 The Players 27.2 Non-Player Characters 28.0 THE SETTINGS 28.1 Hyperion 28.2 The Hypershuttle 28.3 COL 72 PrIme II 28.4 The TBD Relay Base 29.0 ADVENTURE REFERENCE INFORMATION 29.1 ~lal Equipment For the Players 29.2 Special Events 29.3 Non-Player Character Summary Sheet PART VI SPACE MASTER AIDS Microbilll and Chemical Poisons PC Game and Claim Sheet Combat Unit Roster Computer Status Sheet Special Robotics Programs Planetary Status Summary Planet Map Template PART VII REFERENCE DATA 30.0 GLOSSARY 31.0 INDEX
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