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February 2025


Bladestorm Rulesbook 2nd Edition Cover

Product Line: Shadow World
Product Edition: BS
Product Name: Bladestorm Rulesbook 2nd Edition
Product Type: Min. Rules
Author: Coleman Charlton, Sebastian Klapdor
Stock #: 7600
Publisher: Metal Express
Page Count: 191
Release Date: 14 October 2016
Language: English

Format Cover Price Released
PDF 19.99 14 October 2016

Bladestorm Rulesbook 2nd Edition at DriveThruRPG
Cover/Jacket Text:
25 years after the first edition was released by Iron Crown Enterprises, Bladestorm returns in a completely redesigned, corrected, colorized and expanded Second Edition.

The fast paced rules enable quick battles between any kind of forces gamers wish to create. Regular troops, heroes, monsters, spell users, standard bearers, units, vehicles, musicians, leaders; if it’s a miniature, it can be turned into a Bladestorm combatant!

Base your hero on one of 16 fantasy races and equip weapons and armor from more than 60 weapon and natural attacks. Spell users choose from 222 magic spells within the reknown Rolemaster realms of Channeling, Essence and Mentalism.

With Bladestorm Second Edition you can get even more out of your combatants by assigning one of 14 professions to create a unique hero. More than 26 skills can be developed during the competitive campaign game.

10 scenarios with random encounters and plenty of loot options await the arrival of daring adventurers. Roll the dice while visiting the hiring halls and contract any one of more than 80 mercenaries…if you can afford them. Gather loot from your enemies, from chests and bosses and use the item creation system to uncover unspeakable artefacts.

Bladestorm Second Edition is accompanied by the free and easy to use Bladestorm Calculator that lets you design and organize your forces with the click of a button. Start the adventure today with 14 archetype characters that can be played out-of-the-box.

16 Fantasy Races
60 Weapon and Natural Attacks
222 Magic Spells (74 Channeling, 74 Essence, 74 Mentalism)
14 Professions
26 Profession Skills
10 Scenarios
80 Mercenaries
Item Creation System
14 Prebuilt Character Archetypes

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