Category Archives

February 2025

10 – Special Ability Talents

Part 10 – Special Ability Talents

5523 RMSS Talent Law

RMFRP Character Law

This article examines the differences in the Mental Ability Talents between RMSS Talent Law and RMFRP Character Law in detail



No Changes

Affect Environment

RMSS Cost – Lesser 20 points, Greater 25 points

RMFRP Cost – Major 18 points, Greater 30 points

The description of the Lesser Talent in RMSS is the same as the description of the Major Talent in RMFRP,

The Greater talent in RMSS increases the radius to 10′.

The Greater talent in RMFRP increases the range to 300′ and the radius to 20′.

Amazing Leaping

RMSS Cost – 15 points

RMFRP Cost – 10 points

No changes to description

Attribute Drain

No Changes


RMSS Cost – 25 points

RMFRP Cost – 20 points

No change to description

Blessed by War God

No Changes


RMSS Cost – 13 points

RMFRP Cost – 13 points

RMSS – You may summon darkness (as a Dark I spell; see the Light Law spell list). Each time you summon darkness costs you 4d10 exhaustion points.

RMFRP – You may summon darkness (as a Dark V spell; see RMFRP, p. 183). Each time you summon darkness costs you 2d10 exhaustion points.


RMSS Cost – Lesser 30 points, Greater 50 points

RMFRP Cost – 30 points

The description of the Lesser talent in RMSS is the same as the description for RMFRP


RMSS Cost – 10 points

RMFRP Cost – 12 points

Exhaustion point cost is reduced from 3d10 per minute in RMSS to 2d10 per minute in RMFRP.


RMSS Cost – Lesser 15 points, Greater 25 points

RMFRP Cost – Major 15 points, Greater 25 points

The RMSS Lesser talent has the same description as the RMFRP Major talent except that in RMSS the skill in the attack can be either a Missile Weapon skill or a Directed Spell skill, in RMFRP it can be developed as Special Attack skill only, but the skill is everyman.

The description of the Greater skill is the same in both except that RMFRP includes an increase in range to 20′

Eye of the Hawk

RMSS Cost – 15 points

RMFRP Cost – 15 points

RMFRP description adds “Thus, for you, the ‘long range’ for all (non-thrown) missile weapons is increased by 100′”


No Changes

Force Shield

RMSS Cost – Minor (+5) 10 points, Major (+10) 25 points, Greater (+15) 50 points

RMFRP Cost – Lesser (+5) 5 points, Minor (+10) 10 points, Major(+20) 18 points, Greater (+30) 30 points

The RMSS Minor talent is the same as the RMFRP Lesser talent, with the RMFRP talent having the additional line “Force shield requires 1d10 exhaustion points to activate” The cost per round remains the same. The DB bonus for the assorted levels of the Talent are listed above in brackets.


RMSS Cost – 30 points

RMFRP Cost – 30 points

The description is the same except that RMFRP adds a 2d10 exhaustion point activation cost.

Life Support

RMSS Cost – Minor 15 points, Major 25 points, Greater 40 points

RMFRP Cost – Major 18 points, Greater 40 points, Sustenance 30 points

The RMSS Minor talent is the same as the RMFRP Major talent

The RMSS Major talent is the same as the RMFRP Sustenance Talent, except that the RMFRP talent includes the line (you must still sleep or meditate to recover PP’s hits and exhaustion points)

RMSS Greater Talent is the same as the RMFRP Greater Talent.

Lifetime Goal

RMSS Cost – 30 points

RMFRP Cost – 15 points

No change to descriptions

Luck, Dramatic

New Talent in RMFRP

Lesser – 5 points “You have very unusual luck, good and bad. Your high open-ended roll range is increased by 1 from 96-100 to 95-100, and your low open-ended roll range is increased by 1 from 01-05 to 01-06”

Minor – 10 points “As the lesser Talent, except the increases are 2 (to 94-100 and 01-07).

Major – 15 points “As the lesser Talent, except the increases are 3 (to 93-100 and 01-08).

Greater – 20 points “As the lesser Talent, except the increases are 4 (to 92-100 and 01-09).


RMSS Cost – 10 points

RMFRP Cost – Minor 10 points, Major 15 points, Greater 20 points

The description for RMSS is the same as the Minor talent in RMFRP.

The Major talent increases the range by 2%, Greater by 3%

Master Warrior Friend

RMSS Cost – 15 points

RMFRP Cost – 10 points

No changes to description.


RMSS Cost – 10 points

RMFRP Cost – 5 points

No change in description

Microscopic Vision

No Changes

Natural Ranged Attack

RMSS Cost – Lesser 20 points, Greater 50 points

RMFRP Cost – Major 15 points, Greater 30 points

RMSS Lesser Talent is the same as RMFRP Major Talent, RMFRP adds the following line “Resolve this attack using the RMFRP Table A-10.9.9 (p.228) with a maximum result the same as “Shock Bolt” and using an appropriate critical type.”

RMSS Greater Talent is the same as RMFRP Greater Talent, RMFRP adds the following line: “the maximum result is the same as “Fire Bolt”.”


RMSS Cost – 30 points

RMFRP Cost – 30 points

An additional sentence is added to the end of the description: “You also lose one temporary Co point for every full 10 minute period you remain non-corporeal (not counting when you are phasing in and out).

Power Absorption

No changes other than renaming Power Absorption (Lesser) to Power Absorption (Major)


No changes.


RMSS Cost – 30 points

RMFRP Cost – 25 points

The following lines have been removed from the description:

“Any equipment and clothing that you are currently wearing when you change shape changes with you. When you resume your natural shape, your equipment and clothes return.”

Sonar Sense

No Changes

Special Familiar

RMSS Cost – 25 points

RMFRP Cost – 18 points

No change to description.

Stat Bonus

RMSS Cost – 10/20/30 points

RMFRP Cost – 10/20/30 points

Description changes from “one stat (the GM should assign which).” To “One stat (your choice). This talent may not be duplicated on the same stat.”

Stat Improvement

RMSS Cost – 10 points

RMFRP Cost -10 points

The description specifies that you also gain an additional stat gain roll during adolescence and apprenticeship development.


RMSS Cost – Lesser (1 ailment) 10 points, Minor (2 ailments) 20 points, Major (3 aliments) 30 points, Greater (4 ailments) 40 points.

RMFRP Cost – Minor (1 ailment) 10 points, Major (3 ailments) 20 points, Greater (5 ailments) 30 points

No changes to description other than the number of ailments curable at each level of talent.


RMSS Cost – 25 points

RMFRP Cost – 15 points

No changes to description.


RMSS Cost – 30 points

RMFRP Cost – 30 points

Description adds the following line: “The normal spell weight limits apply (see RMFRP, p. 205).”


RMSS Cost – 17 points

RMFRP Cost – 25 points

No changes to description.

Ultrasonic Hearing

No changes.

X-ray Vision

No changes.

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