ICE Webring
- HARP: The World of Tarn
The World of Tarn originates from the Turning Point MUD. Now it lives as a campaign setting for ICE's HARP system as well. Adventures will be written up and posted for other GM's to run as well.
- Iron Crown Enterprises
Iron Crown Enterprises Homepage. ICE's current game lines includes Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Shadow World, Silent Death, and HARP.
- My Rolemaster and Shadow World page
A few things I wrote for Rolemaster (RMSS/RMFRP) and the setting Shadow World. Some in french, some translated in english. Character creation excel sheet, game aids for combat and other things in RMSS, a complete city and various things for Shadow World.
- Rolemaster Blog
Articles and discussion on Roleplaying including Shadow World, Forgotten Realms.
- Rolemaster Office character sheet generator
Rolemaster Office is a character and NPC generator for Rolemaster RMFRP roleplaying system. The program calculates all bonus and generates a nice PDF character sheet that contains additionally pages.
- Rolemaster Page from Eric Varnild
I am currently running a Rolemaster campaign set in the wonderful Shadow World and I have put some resources on my home page. There is one problem: it is all in French for the moment.
- THE Chronicles of Ancient Lore, ROLEMASTER and D20
Funky layout with tonnes of Roleplaying Experiences using Rolemaster in TKA's ShadowWorld! Stories abound with House Rules my PnP group of 15 years, uses. There's even a Message Board for the D20 ORPG ShadowWorld Online Campaign I run with RM flavour!!! A
- The Halls of Sir Fenris
Site is primarily devoted to my own world/campaign Allansia. House rules are also presented. An applete for generating treasure based on the treasure companion is also available.
- The World of Karnorthe
This site provides details of the world of Karnorthe, a RPG setting that has been developing for more than two decades.
MERP Webring
- Hlingler Halfhlund's Hut
A miscellany of RP gaming resources for MERP.
- Mirkwood Roleplaying
The adventures of 6 heroes in search for fame and glory, set in Tolkien's Middle Earth. The stories of their continuing struggle against the forces of Sauron.
Rolemaster in Middle-Earth with a special page about Dor-en-Ernil! And an attempt get get every RM-Module listed, that in any way has, does or will effect the playing on Middle-Earth...
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